Fic – A Z-Code Interpreter

I wrote a bit about interactive fiction (IF) before on this blog – this time I want to talk a bit about how these games ticked and about an interpreter I wrote for them. If you haven’t read that, I recommend giving it a quick skim before reading this one, unless you’re already familiar with […]

Hermes – A Textboard

Internetless in London Something strange happens when you’re suddenly disconnected from the Internet for a long period of time: You find other things to do. After cleaning the bathroom and tidying my room twice, beating some video games on my backlog, and somehow losing offline access to Spotify (thanks Spotify), it was time for something […]


The predecessor project of Speare2Brain, Brain2Speare, took all of a day to implement. It took another day to spruce up, but the fact was: After a single day of development, nearly every Brainfuck program could be successfully transpiled to Shakespeare[1]. The same cannot said of Speare2Brain. Also, spoilers, it only partially works. What is hell […]

Rogue Detective Part 2 – Curses!

Last time, we covered the rather ridiculous choices that led up to my decision to write a roguelike from scratch. Now, we’ll cover the first steps in the creation of Rogue Detective, and indeed, most games I write. After the standard step of creating a new repository for source control comes the creation of the […]

Rogue Detective Part 1 – A Defective Rogue

Rogue Detective started off as an attempt at the annual 7 Day Roguelike competition, wherein one aspires to create a full roguelike in a mere seven days. Entrants are allowed to use previous work, provided the final game is a new roguelike unto itself. This year, the competition fell in one of the two weeks […]

Getting Virtual with Emacs (Part 3)

Last time, we talked about the two emacs extensions I use to emulate my most used features of Sublime Text. Even a cursory look at the manual would show way more features than I even thought about using, but by learning basic editing in emacs I’m already able to fully switch over to the Gnu editor. […]

Getting Virtual with Emacs (Part 2)

It’s been just over a month since I started properly developing in emacs, both at work and at home. I think it’s about time I wrote a little about my experiences. First of all, while I’ve used vim daily at work, I don’t claim to be a vim power-user by any stretch of the imagination. […]

Getting Virtual with Emacs (Part 1)

A Quick Introduction We’re taking a short (okay, long) break from the Hullet Bells posts. It’s already been a couple of months since I last updated, mostly because progress has been slow. I keep having ideas on how to refactor the fledging script system, but never get around to actually implementing them. So that’s on […]