The Rodeo

Last week, I had the unique opportunity to visit an indoor rodeo. It was surreal. I’ll just sum up what happened, maybe talk a bit about how insane it felt. The arena was probably the size of your average circus, and it was packed. Like, full. This is an event that happens every Friday and […]

On Pretending To Write

Just a short one today, I’m in Dallas and it’s really nice! Very warm. Let’s talk about writing. Writing is pretty fun, I recommend it if you have the time (and everyone has time). But what’s the point? And what should you write about? I’m not a very good writer, at all. It’s difficult to […]


Here we are, after a successful week of sticking to a timetable! Already, things are looking up. The subject today is, perhaps unsurprisingly, willpower. I thought I’d share a little bit about what I’ve learned about willpower. Having managed to not slack off in my free time for a week, I am now clearly a […]


This post has very little to say, but I need to write it anyway. It’s a long ramble about where I’m at now, and where I want to be. So, that little video game project didn’t pan out so great in the end. But you know what, that’s okay. I learned a lot about Python, Curses, and getting […]

Rogue Detective Part 2 – Curses!

Last time, we covered the rather ridiculous choices that led up to my decision to write a roguelike from scratch. Now, we’ll cover the first steps in the creation of Rogue Detective, and indeed, most games I write. After the standard step of creating a new repository for source control comes the creation of the […]

Rogue Detective Part 1 – A Defective Rogue

Rogue Detective started off as an attempt at the annual 7 Day Roguelike competition, wherein one aspires to create a full roguelike in a mere seven days. Entrants are allowed to use previous work, provided the final game is a new roguelike unto itself. This year, the competition fell in one of the two weeks […]

Getting Virtual with Emacs (Part 3)

Last time, we talked about the two emacs extensions I use to emulate my most used features of Sublime Text. Even a cursory look at the manual would show way more features than I even thought about using, but by learning basic editing in emacs I’m already able to fully switch over to the Gnu editor. […]

Getting Virtual with Emacs (Part 2)

It’s been just over a month since I started properly developing in emacs, both at work and at home. I think it’s about time I wrote a little about my experiences. First of all, while I’ve used vim daily at work, I don’t claim to be a vim power-user by any stretch of the imagination. […]

Getting Virtual with Emacs (Part 1)

A Quick Introduction We’re taking a short (okay, long) break from the Hullet Bells posts. It’s already been a couple of months since I last updated, mostly because progress has been slow. I keep having ideas on how to refactor the fledging script system, but never get around to actually implementing them. So that’s on […]

The Hullet Bells – Part 5 (Valuing your Input)

What is Input Handling, anyway? Handling input is the process of taking the player’s key presses and converting them to actions in game. Pygame supports two methods for doing this: 1) Examining the state of the keyboard directly each frame, which I’ll refer to as the key state method. 2) Key events, where the game […]